6 November 2020Office of the National Data Commissionerhttps://www.datacommissioner.gov.au/exposure-draft/submission The Group of Eight (Go8) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission…
Publications and Submissions
27 October 2020 Senate Education and Employment Legislation CommitteeE: eec.sen@aph.gov.au The Group of Eight (Go8) welcomes the opportunity to make…
The high level dialogue with a select group of people with relevant expertise to create a list of recommendations on…
Professor Sue ThomasChief Executive OfficerAustralian Research Council Dear Professor Thomas Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the ARC’s…
25 September 2020 Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade CommitteeDepartment of the SenatePO Box 6100Parliament HouseCanberra ACT 2600 The Group of…
10 September 2020 Alan RaineCommittee SecretarySenate Education and Employment Legislation Committee Introduction and Executive Summary The Group of Eight (Go8)…
Enabling Australia’s Economic Recovery Through Supporting Research Excellence sets out three achievable recommendations to enable the continuation of research excellence: Supporting…
31 August 2020 Ant BagshawDirector, Nous Group Dear Ant, Go8 Submission to the General Capabilities Framework for Tertiary Education The…
17 August 2020Higher Education ReformDepartment of Education, Skills and EmploymentE: Hereform@dese.gov.au Introduction and Executive Summary The Group of Eight (Go8)…
29 May 2020Select Committee on COVID-19Committee SecretaryDepartment of the SenatePO Box 6100Parliament HouseCanberra ACT 2600E: covid.sen@aph.gov.au The Group of Eight…