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Go8 Media Release: ALP policy recognises need for predictable funding for universities

September 21, 2015

Group of Eight Chief Executive Vicki Thomson, said the Opposition’s Higher Education policy, released today, provides a solid platform for funding and recognises the importance of universities in equipping Australia for the future through our graduates and our research.

“In particular, the ALP policy recognises the need for predictable funding for universities.  We are especially pleased by the commitment to consultation through a Green and White paper process.  As the Group of Eight has long argued, it is time to sort out funding problems and put the sector on a sustainable footing.”

Ms Thomson said the creation of an independent Higher Education Productivity and Performance Commission deserved careful consideration.

“Whilst there may be merit in such a body, as we have seen in other international systems, we must guard against any introduction of further red tape. A detailed consultation process will be important in working through this and other issues raised in the ALP’s policy paper.”

Contact:   Vicki Thomson, Group of Eight Chief Executive on +61 438 047 155

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