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Go8 Media Release: Go8 elects Professor Peter Høj as 2017 Chair

November 29, 2016

Group of Eight (Go8), which comprises Australia’s leading research intensive universities, has elected University of Queensland (UQ) Vice Chancellor and President Professor Peter Høj as its Chair for 2017.

The Group of Eight Board has decided that it would be advantageous to have chair terms of twelve months’ duration to ensure that the wide geographical spread and genuine institutional differences were well captured at regular intervals.

Professor Høj had broad working experience at executive level in industry, government and universities before becoming Vice Chancellor of UQ in October 2012. In his four years at the helm he has led the university to a premier position in global research and commercialisation and overseen the development and implementation of a focussed international strategy.

Vicki Thomson, Go8 Chief Executive, says the Go8 looks forward to utilising the experience, determination and energy of Professor Høj as the group advocates strongly for increased political and community awareness of the value of its graduates and outstanding research outcomes to the Australian economy.

“Professor Høj is recognised for his strong advocacy of both research and a commitment to excellence in teaching,” she said. “We are keen to harness that on the Go8’s behalf as we work to secure long-term sustainable policy and funding direction from Government.”

As Chair, Professor Høj succeeds Dr Michael Spence, Vice Chancellor of the University of Sydney. “It has been an honour to be the Go8’s 2016 Chair,” said Dr Spence.

“These are complex times for our sector with uncertainty over funding and real questions about the viability of research funding over the longer term. I look forward to continuing to contribute to the policy debate from the University of Sydney and wish Professor Høj every success in this critical role.”

Professor Høj takes up his position in January 2017. * see attached Professor Høj bio

Contact: Vicki Thomson, Group of Eight Chief Executive on +61 438 047 155

Professor Peter Høj – MSc PhD DUniv (honoris causa), FTSE
Professor Peter Høj commenced as Vice Chancellor and President of The University of Queensland on 8 October 2012. Prior to this appointment Professor Høj was Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of South Australia from 1 June 2007. Before that, he was Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Research Council

(2004-2007) and Managing Director of the Australian Wine Research Institute (1997-2004).

He was educated at the University of Copenhagen, majoring in biochemistry and chemistry, and has a Master of Science degree in biochemistry and genetics, a PhD in photosynthesis, an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Copenhagen and an Honorary Doctorate from the University of South Australia.

Professor Høj is a member of the Medical Research Future Fund Advisory Board, Co-Deputy Chair of the Strengthened Export Controls Steering Group, a member of the edX University Advisory Board, a member of the Board of Group of Eight (Go8) Universities, a member of the STEM Male Champions of Change and in 2014 was appointed as a senior consultant to Hanban in the Oceania Region.

He served on the CSIRO Board 2011-2014 and was Deputy Chair of Universities Australia Board 2011-2013. He served as a private member of the Prime Minister’s Science Engineering and Innovation Council (PMSEIC) from 1999-2004, and as an ex-officio member from 2006-2007.

He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering and a Foreign Member (Natural Sciences Class) of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.


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