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Media release: Group of Eight support international students as Russia-Ukraine tensions escalate.

February 24, 2022

As the Russian-Ukraine conflict intensifies, Group of Eight universities are offering counselling and other assistance measures to international students impacted by the crisis.

Group of Eight Chief Executive Vicki Thomson said Go8 universities had acted quickly to identify and contact individual students from the Ukraine and Russia as well as relevant student clubs and societies, to offer support and check on their well-being.

“As tensions in the region build, our universities are mindful of the increasing pressure this will place on our
Ukrainian and Russian students both here in Australia and studying offshore,” said Ms Thomson.

“We are extremely concerned for their welfare. They’ve already been through a tough two years, dealing with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, and we can only imagine how difficult this situation must be for them.

“Our universities are offering access to peer support advisors, counselling services for domestic students, and establishing ‘chat’ channels for international students currently studying offshore. We will monitor the situation closely and offer additional support as the situation evolves.

“Go8 universities introduced a range of social and financial support measures to aid international students during the COVID-19 pandemic and are well placed to provide further assistance during this current crisis.”

In 2021, there were 183 enrolments at Go8 universities – 14 from the Ukraine and 169 from the Russian Federation – studying both onshore and offshore. The majority of these students were enrolled as higher degree by research or post graduate level.

Contact: Vicki Thomson, Group of Eight Chief Executive on +61 438 047 155