A series on the ongoing research partnership between the Group of Eight and the European Union

EU tops Go8 partner list
The Go8’s top international collaborator is the EU as a bloc followed by the US and then China.
In 2018 the Go8 had:
- 16,000 co-publications with the EU
- 10,600 co-publications with the US
- 6,500 co-publications with China
Horizon Europe
The Go8 which undertakes 70 per cent of Australia’s university research, is jointly advocating with Australia’s European Australian Business Council (EABC) for Australia to achieve associate country status in Horizon Europe. Horizon Europe is a €100 billion research and innovation program to raise EU science spending levels by 50 per cent between 2021 and 2027. Australia’s associate country status in Horizon Europe would provide a greater level of access to EU research funding for Australian researchers and businesses. Under the current Horizon 2020 research funding program Go8 universities have a dominant footprint as Australian participants; involved in at least 102 projects with a total worth of more than €330 million. As a bloc, the EU represents Australia’s most significant economic partner, with close to $110 billion in annual goods and services trade, and total two-way investment nearing $2 trillion.

Partners to fight HIV
Go8 members the University of Melbourne and UNSW Sydney are the Australian partners in EAVI2020; a €23 million Horizon 2020 initiative to accelerate the search for an effective HIV vaccine. Developing safe effective and affordable vaccines that can prevent HIV infection in uninfected people is the best hope for controlling, and ultimately ending, the HIV epidemic. Developing a therapeutic vaccine could also be beneficial for those living with HIV, by helping slow the progression of the disease and prevent or delay the onset of AIDS. EAVI2020 research partners are working collaboratively to make this possible.
World first in 3D printing
In 2014 Go8 member Monash University revealed the world’s first 3D printed jet engine. Lead researcher was Monash’s Professor Xinhua Wu with her team at the Australian Research Council’s Research Hub. In late 2016 the Hub signed an agreement to print turbojet components for Safran Power Units, the French-based global aerospace and defence company. Printing metallic parts for functioning jet engines is complex and Professor Wu’s team engineers parts to incredible levels of precision. The development and commercialisation of this advanced 3D metal printing technology linking into the EU’s Safran, is an excellent example of Australia’s world-class research translating into “real world” commercial impact.

Uni links with tech giant
Go8 member the University of Sydney is working on transformational industry projects in partnership with the French multinational, global technology leader Thales, in an agreement signed in 2017. Thales which operates in 56 countries had already been working with the university which has contributed to breakthrough technology in underwater sensing and Thales’ sovereign capability in fibre laser sensors.
Focus on new planets
The global research project “DUSTBUSTERS” involves Australian partner Monash University. Its School of Physics and Astronomy is working with EU, US and Chilean researchers. They are developing suitable numerical algorithms and techniques, to address key unsolved issues related to the interaction of newborn planets with the gas and dust environment in which they are born.

Innovative biomedical quest
In an EU Horizon 2020 project Go8 member UNSW Sydney partners with Bresmedical Pty Ltd exploring the next generation of 3D multifunctional materials and coatings for biomedical use.
New venture with EU partners
In an EU Horizon 2020 project, Go8 members UNSW Sydney and the University of Sydney were involved in founding an SME, Intersect Pty Ltd, which works with EU partners in ICT innovation.

Project will guide auto vehicle systems
Go8 member the University of Sydney is a partner in the EU Horizon 2020 research project BRAVE. The main objective of BRAVE is to improve safety and market adoption of automated vehicles. It assumes that the launch of automated vehicles on public roads will only be successful if technical aspects go hand in hand in compliance with societal values, user acceptance, behavioural intentions, road safety, social economic legal and ethical considerations. The project’s research insights will lay the foundation for the integration of innovative advanced driving assistance systems and human machine interface.
Boost for wildfire knowledge
Go8 member the University of Melbourne is involved in EU project Geo-Safe. Joint research across many specialities has already developed models to improve preparedness for wildfires and responses to them. This latest project, GEO-Safe, has been structured to create a joint network between the EU and Australia; exchanging knowledge, ideas and experience. This would further boost wildfire knowledge and innovation.

Genome study into new bacteria
Go8 member the Australian National University (ANU) is a research partner in EU project COMPARE. This joint project has discovered two new typhoid-causing, extensively drug resistant (XDR) bacteria. Both strains are different to that which caused a 2018 typhoid outbreak in Pakistan. The COMPARE project is to accelerate the detection and response to disease outbreaks in humans and animals worldwide using new genome technology. This should reduce the impact and cost of such outbreaks.
Creating space for aquaculture
The EU project AQUASPACE has 21 global partners including the US and China and with Go8 member the University of Western Australia. It was aimed at exploring how and where aquaculture best fits into our oceans and freshwater lakes. Its central goal was to provide increased high-quality water space for aquaculture. Pursuing this goal has the potential to deliver food security and increased employment for economic growth.