Please note that this submission represents the views of the Group of Eight (Go8) and individual member universities may wish…
Publications and Submissions
Thank you for the invitation to respond to the discussion paper as part of the University Sector Review commissioned by…
Please note that this submission represents the views of the Go8 and individual member universities may wish to make their…
Australian Bureau of StatisticsANZSCO Review Team The Group of Eight (Go8) welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the…
The Group of Eight (Go8) welcomes the opportunity to provide this submission to Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy 2023-2030. Please note…
Committee SecretarySenate Education and Employment Committees The Group of Eight (Go8) welcomes the opportunity to provide this submission to the…
Department of Industry, Science and Resources The Group of Eight (Go8) is pleased to provide feedback on the Government’s National…
National Reconstruction Fund Taskforce The Group of Eight (Go8) is pleased to provide feedback on the implementation of the Government’s…
Jobs and Skills AustraliaDepartment of Employment and Workplace Relations The Group of Eight (Go8), as Australia’s leading research-intensive universities has…